2018 Laconia Motorcycle Week


One of the great events on Lake Winnipesaukee is Laconia Motorcycle Week, also known as Bike Week.  Bike Week is a motorcycle rally held annually in June in LaconiaNew Hampshire. It started back in June 1916 and at the time only lasted a couple of days. People came from across the country to participate in festivities.  Events included races, shows and a motorcycle hill climb competition.  As it became more of a tourist attraction the few days turned into a now nine-day event.  

After some motorcycle gang and police activity in the 1960’s, strict rules were implemented which decreased Bike Week’s popularity.  It wasn’t until the early 1990’s, when the local community formed the Laconia Motorcycle Rally and Race Association and now the nine-day event continues to be a huge attraction and busy time on Lake Winnipesaukee. 

This year’s events will run June 9 until June 17. The Rally Headquarters is open daily 8am-9pm on the Weirs Beach Boardwalk.  There are several events to participate in every day.  For more information please go to the Laconia Motorcycle Rally and Race Association webpage at http://laconiamcweek.com/

We'll be there! Look for pictures on our Facebook page during the event. 

Safety Tips

Here are a few safety tips for motorcycle riding.

  1. Wear a safety helmet even when it’s not required by law
  2. Wear protective clothing
  3. Give plenty of space between motorcyclists and other vehicles
  4. Don’t drink and ride